New Year New APOLLO – Officially out of Beta iOS 13 Module Updates!

I spent this weekend updating and sprucing up APOLLO for its v1.0 release. It took far longer than anticipated, mostly because I’ve added quite a few new modules. It also takes a while to go through every SQL query module updating it to iOS 13. Database schemas change all the time, new tables, new columns, new everything!

I’ve done my best to test the new modules and a few of the updated older modules with iOS 13.1 and iOS 12.1.1. I have no doubts that some may work with iOS 11 as well but in order to keep on keepin’ on, I’ve decided to only test two major versions back. If you find one works for iOS 11 or older please let me know via Contact or submit a PR. If you happen to be working on an iOS 12 device I would definitely re-process for many new and updated modules! This brings the total modules to 165!

I will talk about a some of these in my upcoming Webinar for Blackbag on January 30 at 2pm EST.

Apple Health Modules

I have added imperial measurements to modules so us yanks can actually understand the measurements 😉:

New modules include:

Location Modules

Routined Databases changed a bit in iOS 13. Cloud.sqlite is now Cloud-V2.sqlite. Most modules did not need to be updated; however a new table was introduced ‘ZRTMAPITEMMO’. Modules were updated to include this data as well as a new separate Map Item module - routined_cloud_mapitem.

In the Cache.sqlite database, a new table was introduced, ‘ZRTVISITMO’ so a new module was created for it - routined_cache_zrvisitmo.

KnowledgeC Modules

The biggest update was with my favorite database knowledgeC.db.

Update modules include more context to the Application Activity modules. Some of the iOS native applications were split out into their own (they should also be parse in the generic knowledge_app_activity module.) Note: Calendar - was its own previously, however it was renamed to knowledge_app_activity_calendar to be consistent with the new modules below.

New modules include: