Updates - June 2014

A few updates to the website:

Resources Section:

The Resources section now contains the Synalyze It! grammars for HFS+ that I created. Just a reminder – these are work in progress; I will update them as needed.

Also in the Resources section is the most current version of my presentations. If you attended one of my presentations in the past and want that specific copy, please feel free to contact me.

  • Reverse Engineering Mac Malware – A basic walk though of static and dynamic reverse engineering of Mac malware on a Mac. Approximately 20% static, and 80% dynamic analysis. No assembly knowledge needed!
  • When Macs Get Hacked – Intrusion analysis on the Mac - where and what to look for to find Mac malware doing a dead-box forensic analysis.
  • Analysis and Correlation of Mac Logs – Mac systems log a ton of data! This presentation helps correlate this information with other system artifacts to give the analyst a better view of what happened on the system.

Training & Events:

I will be teaching my FOR518: Mac Forensic Analysis at the SANS DFIRCON East 2014 conference in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida in early November. Visit here for more information.

Just a reminder, I will also be co-teaching FOR518: Mac Forensic Analysis with Hal Pomeranz at the following locations in the Fall:

On a budget? If you are looking to get into FOR518: Mac Forensic Analysis at HALF-PRICE(!), seats are still available in the second beta of the class in San Jose, CA in July. Sign up soon! Sign up here. I will be attending the class, while the great Unix god himself – Hal Pomeranz teaches. I assure you he will drop some serious command line kung fu upon us.