On the Eighth Day of APOLLO, My True Love Gave to Me – A Glorious Lightshow – Analysis of Device Connections

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Today we’ll be analyzing the knowledgeC.db and CurrentPowerlog.PLSQL database for various connections. The first thing you may want to know in an investigation is – was the device plugged in or not? This can be gained from a few places.

The knowledgeC.db database tracks this information and can be parsed out by using the knowledge_device_pluggedin module. This will keep track of the plugged in and unplugged states of the device and for how long each of those events were as calculated out in the ‘Usage in Seconds’ column.

Similar data is captured in the CurrentPowerlog.PLSQL database. The powerlog_lightnining_connector_status module extracts the same events, however I have seen in my own data some slight oddities, like the plug in/unplug events every minute or so – almost like the cable was loose (it wasn’t). Take that observation for what it’s worth, at least we can corroborate with other data!

Another option is the powerlog_accessory_connection module. This one also appears to be more accurate but I’m not entirely sure what all “accessories” would be covered. My own data shows connections to power cables, this would include my CarPlay connection.

Speaking of CarPlay, we can extract that connection information using the knowledge_device_carplay_connected module. This output only has the initial connection, not the disconnect event.

Instead of physical connections, we may also be aware of wireless connections like Bluetooth. We can use the knowledge_audio_bluetooth_connected module to extract this information from the KnowledgeC.db database. This output contains the Bluetooth MAC address and name of the device. I’m obviously rocking out using my AirPods like a good Mac Fan Girl. 🤘🎶

Next on the Bluetooth list is the Apple Watch. The knowledge.db database also keeps track if the device is near the iPhone to which it is paired. The knowledge_device_watch_nearby module will show if I walked away from my iPhone for a certain period of time.

In the Powerlog, the paired Apple Watch information is stored. It not really in a log format but could be useful information. I have yet to determine the significance of the timestamp, it is not the initial pairing of the device. This can be extracted using the powerlog_paired_device_config module.

Finally let’s look at Wi-Fi connections. The Powerlog is keeping track of each SSID that my phone has connected to, but the name is a bit odd, I’m still researching why it is using this naming scheme, ideas are welcome. The “SSID” is alphanumeric and always same length. The powerlog_wifi_properties module will extract this data.


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On the Seventh Day of APOLLO, My True Love Gave to Me – A Good Conversation – Analysis of Communications and Data Usage

Today is all about the CurrentPowerlog.PLSQL database. This database keeps track of many ways that data is transferred either by cellular, Wi-Fi, or Bluetooth methods. These modules can help determine where the data is going, which app is pulling down the most data, or simply keeping an eye on which apps are sending the most notifications.

Telephony Activity 

Starting with telephony artifact we can review the cellular registration using the powerlog_device_telephony_registration module. This outputs the cellular provider and the level of service provided. 

The powerlog_device_telephony_activity module will keep track of telephony activity on the device. In the screenshot below, each time the CALL STATUS shows ringing, I was receiving a phone call (that I ignored), but where it says ACTIVE, I made a phone call.

Another module that shows call usage, is the powerlog_incallservice module.. Like the example above this shows me ignoring three calls (callForegrounded, callBackgrounded) and a call made (callStart, callStop).

Network Usage

Mobile devices have network interfaces that track where the data is going. The powerlog_network_usage module keeps track of the incoming and outgoing bytes for these interfaces.

If you want a bit more detail on which apps or services are using your precious cellular data, take a look at the output of the powerlog_process_data_usage module. This can make it easy to see which app is burning through your mobile data. (Mine is always Twitter).

The powerlog_push_message_received module will show push notification activity for various network-based services. In the screenshot below are the notifications for Slack, Twitter, iMessage, etc.)

Bluetooth Activity

Many Apple technologies rely on Bluetooth technology to function. Determine what state Bluetooth was in is logged. Using the powerlog_bluetooth_device_state module, we can see which state it was in.

AirDrop is one of the technologies that uses Bluetooth (also Wi-Fi), the AirDrop state is recorded and can be extracted by the powerlog_airdrop module.

Continuity [] is a technology to move data back and forth between devices. AirDrop makes use of this technology. This activity can be extracted by the powerlog_ids_messages module.

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On the Sixth Day of APOLLO, My True Love Gave to Me – Blinky Things with Buttons – Device Status Analysis

On this sixth day we’re going to go back to looking at the knowledgeC.db and CurrentPowerlog.PLSQL databases. If you are unfamiliar with these databases, please go back a few blogs. Today is all about what state the device is in. 

Let’s start with the battery level. This is surprisingly covered in a couple of databases and multiple tables in these databases, plenty of places to get this information. The first one is using the knowledgeC.db database with the knowledge_device_batterylevel module. This database provides the usage time between battery levels which may be used to determine amount of usage during a particular time period by the user or device.

Similar is a couple of modules using the CurrentPowerlog.PLSQL database. These two have slight differences. The powerlog_battery_level_ui module just has the battery level as shown in the GUI, while the powerlog_battery_level shows additional information such as raw level and if the device is charging or is fully charged.

The next state is if the device is locked or not. Again, we’ll start with the knowledgeC.db knowledge_device_locked module. 

Going back to the CurrentPowerlog.PLSQL database we have a couple of modules for the same stat. The difference between these is that the latter keeps track of devices locks if the device is using the timed auto-lock function, that “1” just shows that it is in a locked state. The first example shows lock and locked states.

The next few modules are all random device states that may come in handy. The first is the button state. The powerlog_button_state module appears to keep track of which button are being pressed. I’m still testing this one, but this data came from an iPhoneX that has just the power button (apart from the volume buttons). I believe button 48 may be the power button as the timestamps seem to align with locking the device.

The powerlog_camera_state module will keep track of which app and which camera is being used. This will truly tell how many duckface selfies you’ve taken.

Care to know if THE DEVICE IS AT FULL VOLUME PLAYING ANNOYING YOUTUBE VIDEOS? Well then, give powerlog_device_volume a try. 100% is a full volume, and 0 is no volume or “muted”. For some reason I cannot get the “MUTED” column to populate when the device is clearly muted. 🤷🏻‍♀️

The powerlog_mobilebackup module keeps track of backup activity, in this case iCloud backups.

Finally, we have the powerlog_torch_state, which keeps track of when the device flashlight is turned on and off. I still think the torch sounds odd, but I guess the rest of the non-US based worlds calls it that. 🤷🏻‍♀️

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On the Fifth Day of APOLLO, My True Love Gave to Me – A Stocking Full of Random Junk, Some of Which Might be Useful!

Today we go over one of the stranger databases on iOS, the Aggregate Dictionary database, or ADDataStore.sqlitedb. This database is only available with a physical file system dump in the /private/var/mobile/Library/AggregateDictionary/ directory. The database also has a different way of storing its data. Instead of a “this time this event happened” storage system like many of the other database I’ve gone over. This one aggregates data for the last seven days. It only records data on a per-day basis so the APOLLO modules will only store a day timestamp. 

This database is good to find random bits of useful stuff, not every case will need it but you might be surprise what it is tracking. The Distributed Keys and the Scalars are each keeping track of seemingly obscure items. In my opinion, the Scalars are more interesting. On my example database I have 5398 unique keys for Scalars and 795 keys for the Distributed table. I can’t even begin to show you everything this database tracks, its best just to take a look at one yourself to see what might help in your own investigations. I will focus here on a few of the more interesting Scalars entries.

I’ve previously written about this database with respect to Pincodes, Passcodes, and Touch ID.

APOLLO only has two modules for the Aggregate Dictionary. Since these are using only a per-day timestamp, I’ve made them easy to filter out or as a user choose to not use these modules. They can look a tad messy in the final output.

The first item I pulled out of the stocking is CarPlay data. The example below shows how many cars I’ve connected using CarPlay in I’ve connected this device to three different cars. I’m still testing the difference between*.CarPlayCar.* and *.tCarPlayPhone.* keys, however I could guess that Activations has something to do with how many times the app was selected while the ActiveTime is how long the app was in use.

The next item has to do with the Messages application. This app is collecting metrics on the different types of items sent and received over SMS or iMessage protocols.

The Settings applications ( keeps track of which setting got viewed. The example below shows I viewed the Bluetooth menu twice on the 10th, and the privacy settings once on the 14th. I encourage everyone to search for various bundle IDs of interest in this output – you never know what the apps are going to store!

The Clock app ( keeps track of how many alarms the device has set, if any are active, number repeating, and named alarms. Some apps are better at storing data like this than others.

Safari records the number of tabs open on a particular day

The Photos app ( keeps track of how many photos there are in the albums.

Curious how many times a device was plugged in during a day, try the key. We will revisit this action in an upcoming device state article.

When I say obscure, I mean obscure – it also keeps track of button presses…because why not!

Some settings are also stored in this database. You can perform a filter for a couple of keywords – enabled or disabled. I’ve provided a screenshot for both. For the “Enabled” keys, I chose to filter on the main interface, Springboard ( The value is a binary value that means on (1) or off (0). This is different for the “Disabled” keys.

If the keys have the term “disabled” in them, you have to think opposite. For example, all these Accessibility features are actually turned on or enabled. If the disabled setting is a 0, it means it is turned on (you can see many of the settings in the iOS screenshot, Shake to Undo and Vibration for example.)

Finally, in the toe of the stocking we can get some data usage information. I’ve filtered here by the Twitter application (com.atebits.Tweetie2). The screenshot shows how much data was transferred in kilobytes over Wi-Fi and/or WWAN – incoming or outgoing.

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On the Fourth Day of APOLLO, My True Love Gave to Me – Media Analysis to Prove You Listened to “All I Want for Christmas is You” Over and Over Since Before Thanksgiving

The fourth day brings us media artifacts using the knowledgeC.db and CurrentPowerlog.PLSQL databases. Each database stores similar yet somewhat different records when it comes to audio, and video usage.

Let’s get in the mood!


Starting with the knowledgeC.db database we get an idea of audio inputs and outputs. Using the knowledge_audio_input_route and knowledge_audio_output_route modules we can extract this data.

The example below is audio inputs. Two different devices can be seen in the screenshot below, a CarPlay device and my AirPods.

In the output example we see the same two devices. Common to both is the fact that you may see it bouncing back and forth as devices are being used. For example, if you are using CarPlay rocking out to WHAM’s Last Christmas, it will bounce between playing your music and using the microphone/speaker to listen/dictate messages as they come in.

The knowledge_audio_media_nowplaying is where the real truth of your guilty musical pleasures will make an appearance. It provides a detailed listing of what the user was listening to at a particular time. The example below shows me listening to music, podcasts, and audio books. There is no denying that you started listening to holiday music entirely too early!


The powerlog_app_nowplaying module sounds like it should extract the same information as above, however it is different in that it will just show the application’s bundle ID being used to play the media.

More context can be found by using the powerlog_app_audio module. This module will extract the app/service name and/or bundle ID for the app using the audio function. In the screenshot below, I received a phone call and a bit later connected the iPhone to my car to listen to music. During that time, I was also using Siri (assistantd) to dictate messages. Fortunately for me, this database doesn’t show what I was listening to! 🤭

Similar to the module above, is the powerlog_audio_routing module. This shows where the audio was routed to, either the Speaker, Receiver, or Car in this example. 

Finally, the Powerlog populates a table just for videos. The powerlog_video module will show the application bundle ID that the video was played with, however not what video was playing.